Saturday 14 February 2015

ParaMana Puppet Theatre

Paramana in Greek means safety pin.
ParaMana Puppet Theatre is a group of shadow puppet artists from Athens who visit Thessaloniki quite often to perform.
 As we love all kinds of shadow puppet theatre and especially the Greek shadow puppet theatre of Karaghiozis we love attending all kinds of plays.
We had the experience of attending a shadow puppet play in the States that had nothing to do with Karaghiozis and we really wanted to see what artists in Greece do on this sector.
ParaMana are a great group. You can follow them on facebook or on their blog.
We met Anastasia Parava, one of the artists of the team after the play and she showed us her art.
Tiny puppets.

 And lots of scenery.

And various other techniques.

They play their miniature shadow puppets behind a big white sheet with the help of torches, light, music and narrative.
We watched a lovely story called "The girl who wanted to reach the moon", a Japanese myth by Tsuki no Waguma (The crescent moon bear) and the play was for adults, a story about war and how it affects people.
 We really enjoyed it. And it was staged in the Theatre T, 16 Flemming Street in our neighbourhood.
But as there will be one performance today and two performances tomorrow for children maybe you would like to take your kids there and don't worry they will attend a children's play!And I am sure they will enjoy it.
(Here are some photos we took after the performance when we went to meet the artists.)


kathyinozarks said...

I think this is so neat that someone is still performing with the puppets-I don't if they are still here in the states-very fun

Decor Asylum said...

Ένα θέατρο πραγματική μαεστρία! Την καλημέρα μου

Thalia Tzellou said...

Φανταστικό το θέατρο σκιών!! Αριάδνη μου σου έχω δώσει το βραβείο Liebster. Φιλάκια πολλά!!

Anonymous said...

looks very very interesting!

[ i am here ariadne > ]

eleanna said...

So interesting! I didn't know there are other kinds of shadow pupets than Karagiozis

eleanna said...

So interesting! I didn't know there are other kinds of shadow pupets than Karagiozis