Wednesday 4 February 2015

Our trip to the U.S.A. (19) -The Book Barn

After the library we started for our day trip.
First we stopped at the dump to leave some recycling materials. As we were in a hurry I only looked very quickly at the "treasure" table! Look what was there at the time!So many beautiful useful things!
I'm not sure I took something that day, maybe a mug.
Then we stopped somewhere in the middle of nowhere or that's what I thought.
And it was a book shop...not the conventional bookshop you will find elsewhere....
At the parking lot there was even a Cadillac.
 The book shop is called The Book Barn and it is in Niantic, Connecticut.
It is a vast area with little huts and houses filled with second hand books ...thousands of second hand books...separated according to theme....
 First it is Ellis Island where books are bought and arranged before going into the other little houses. According to their site they process about 8 to 10 thousand books a week!Wow!

 What to choose?What to buy?

 Here is the Haunted Book shop!
 Lots of little gardens.

 The poetry book section.
 You can relax in one of the gardens playing chess.

 I so enjoyed it there! I could stay for hours!
 And so did our puppet!

 Then we went further to Niantic trying to find another Book Barn store.

Mystic nearby is famous for its aquarium so everything in the town is around this theme.

 Before going to the Aquarium we passed through the grounds of Eugene O'Neill Theatre Centre.

  The area all around was beautiful and there were lots of beautiful houses on the way to the aquarium.

 (to be continued)


Unknown said...

What a beautiful place! The summer photos are so comforting to see, its the dead of winter in Montreal. The Book Barn is certainly a treasure trove ! Thanks so much for this post.

Threads of Inspiration said...

Ariadne, what an amazing book store! I don't live near Connecticut but if I am ever in the area I will certainly look for the Book Barn! The orange book you are holding in one of the pictures I recognize because I had that book as a child! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Susan

Linda said...

That Book Barn looks like such a fun place. I want to live there.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would have loved spending time at the Book Barn, too. So many wonderful books! I know you had a wonderful trip and it's fun to see your photos my friend! Hugs, Diane

butterfly said...

Very interesting seeing these book barns , thank you for showing .

eleanna said...

Ariadne, I sooooo wish I was there too! You are so lucky to have seen so many wonderful things

Mii Stitch said...

Wonder if you bought any books??
My hubby would have love to visit such place :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Wow, that looks like an amazing bookstore! I would love to spend a few hours there. I'm sure you had a great time browsing...

Sara said...

So cool! I would have spent all day in the Book Barn...

Decor Asylum said...

Σαν μία μόνιμη έκθεση βιβλίου, σούπερ! Υπέροχο το κτίριο του θεάτρου. Καλό απόγευμα :)

Anonymous said...

So many gorgeous pics!

Sheryl said...

Amazing photos and the book barn sooooo interesting. I would have been there all day amongst so many goodies,