Wednesday 19 November 2014

Our Barca...

...flirts with my coffee (actually with what comes with it, like these grilled peanut butter slices of bread)...
...sleeps on the sofa although she has her own bed (so I put some of my son's old bed sheets on the sofa!)...
...and really enjoys it...
...tries to learn how to knit when she feels lonely (while we are away in the evenings)...
 ...and looks the other way when I ask who she is knitting this red jumper for!(Maybe it is a Christmas gift for me and I spoiled her surprise!)...
...loves chewing her mouse(gift from her favourite visitors A&E and her cousin Nouf)...
...has got a new friend nearby...
(His name is Koperti-Bikos. Our friend Tassos and his school Koperti adopted him from 
Barca didn't really pay much attention to him when she first met him but we are sure they will get along very well)....


butterfly said...

So sweet, dogs always love to sleep higher than the floor, I think they feel safer.

Mii Stitch said...

Awww what a sweet post about your lovely dog:)

zina said...

μα τι υπεροχο σκυλι!!!! να την χαιρεστε

Gillie said...

So glad to *meet* you and your gorgeous Barca. Can't believe you can take a picture of her and the bread.....our dog would have snatched it right manners! Fancy spoiling her Christmas surprise, lol! Shame 😃!

Anonymous said...

Aww Barca is adorable. I hope he becomes good friends with Koperti-Bikos. x

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

So cute!

KimM said...

What a sweet post. Love, LOVE your Barca. Can hardly wait to see how the red jumper turns out ;0)

AppleApricot Wen said...

Lol, that will be a most gorgeous red jumper. Your Barca is such a cutie. And Koperti-Bikos too. xx hugs

Sheryl said...

Beautiful companions. Wish ours was still with us.

Decor Asylum said...

Σκέτη γλύκα η μικρή σας!!! Αλλά και το νέο μέλος της οικογένειας των φίλων δεν πάει πίσω :)

Poppy said...

This was such an entertaining post, Aridane! Your Barca is definitely a multi talented pooch!
