Friday 28 March 2014

Our Barca!

It was a hectic week.
Although on Monday we only had festivities at school and Tuesday was a day off still the rest of the week was very very tiring.
I do not want to get into details but I can only say that the things that are happening right now in the world of Education in Greece are really very very bad and have affected all schools.
Teachers getting fired, being asked for more work for less money, the self-evaluation of the school unit scheme, demands and orders from the Ministry of Education and their administration, strikes, demonstrations, resistance on behalf of the teachers,and more.....
Mine is a school mainly with immigrant children, with very good teachers who have a good relationship with the children and with each other.
Things are not like that lately but I am an optimist and hope that things will really get much better in future if we continue to believe in each other and in what we can do all together in harmony.
Enough said.
The rest of the blogpost today will be dedicated again to my dear Barca who is my anti-depressant, my joy, my smile, and it has helped me so much to relax after the difficult school days....
There she is paying attention to what she is being told!
 Oooops she can be naughty at when she "ate" the stuffed toy leopard we have.
 But usually she is really quiet and sweet.
When I stitch she sleeps at my feet.
 When I take photos she becomes one of my prompts.
She is my son's best friend especially when he eats.
 But sometimes all of a sudden she decides to sit at my lap while I am on the computer.There are five steps to her effort.
1. Decisive look.
 2.Leaking of hand.
 3.Up on my legs.
 4.Up on my lap.
 5.Made it.
 She so enjoys our walks at the sea front.

 Sometimes she leaves her evidence on us.

She lies down like a crooked question mark.
 She still loves playing with Marabeth's toy!
 At times she thinks she is a bride!
When Faedra, a neighbour's dog, visited us she was a bit strange at first seeing her in her home.
 But soon they became friends.
 She enjoyed the sea so much last weekend.

She is the best!

11 comments: said...

Υπέροχη η ανάρτησή σου , Αριάδνη !!! Μετά την αναφορά σου στα όσα τραγικά συμβαίνουν στο χώρο της Παιδείας , το "αφιέρωμά" σου στη Barca ήταν σκέτη απόλαυση !!!!!!
Είναι πολύ γλυκούλα και πανέξυπνη!!! Εύχομαι να απολαμβάνετε τη συντροφιά της για πολλά - πολλά χρόνια !!!!!

dimitrART said...

Adorable dog!And such lovely pictures as well!

butterfly said...

Barca, is beautiful and such a happy pet.

We also have lots of things going on here with schools with all these cuts.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Beautiful Barca! I'm so glad you have her in your life to bring you happiness. Hopefully the educational system improves in Greece!

Unknown said...

Barca keeps you occupied , I see, and a good friend even if she makes a mess sometimes....

zina said...

μα τι υπεροχο σκυλι εχετε βρε Αριαδνη! να το χαιρεστε!

Anonymous said...

barca has a grown up look now :)
very beautiful!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Pets are the best anti-depressant! Things going on here with schools aren't lovely either.

Stitching Noni said...

She is adorable!
Pets really are just the best medicine :o)

Decor Asylum said...

Υπέροχη η φίλη σου Αριάδνη και πολύ τυχερή με τα καμώματά της! Και συμφωνώ απολύτως πως τα σκυλιά είναι από τα καλύτερα αγχολυτικά.
Καλημέρα & καλή εβδομάδα

Valma said...

poor leopard :D
Barca is so beautiful !!!
a real family member
so sweet <3