Saturday 1 March 2014

Have a great month!

Have a great month readers, friends and relatives!
Thank you all for your comments in February!
I wish February left in a better mood but my son's health problems on the one hand and the awful situation at school due to the school unit self-evaluation plan on the other has really left a bitter taste in my mouth and a very sad feeling in my heart!
The good thing is that my son's after-hospital exams turned rather good;we will be seeing a specialist soon but hopefully things are ok, thank God! Thank you all for your concern!
As for the school situation; oh well, let's hope employees will respect themselves and the future of their children and will stop being as afraid of losing their position as they are now in Greece!
People commented positively on my always finding the good and the beauty in the most difficult situations. The only good thing I find in the current school situation is my clear concience!
Having said that I will try to dream of better days!
So a new month and a "Martis" (traditional March bracelet) on my hand. This time a crocheted one! In fact I made three different ones incorporating things I learnt in my crochet lessons!

Guess who wants to wear one too!


Sarah in Stitches said...

Happy March, Ariadne! :D

Pesky Cat Designs said...

Glad to hear that your son is getting better. Wishing you a wonderful month ahead!

zina said...

Καλο Μηνα Αριαδνη με περισσοτερα χαμογελα :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely bracelets!
Glad your son is improving and I hope March is better for you (:

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope March is better for you, too. I sure love the bracelets you are making! You are so talented my friend! Hugs, Diane

Valma said...

ho so sweet =)
I've learned something today ! I love that idea of martis
you've done beautiful one :)
that's really great your son is better
march is my month hehehe, next year I'll have to wear one now that I know =)
big hugs

Anonymous said...

a good month to you dear ariadne.
hope things will get better in school.
lovely march bracelets :)