Tuesday 18 June 2013

Promoting friends' work.

Dear Dawn from the States had sent me this great book some time ago. It is The Sea Glass Rush by anotherof my sea glass friends Bev Jacquemet. You can find Bev at her facebook page if you would like to order the book..
I took my copy of this great book of sea glass photographed by Bev herself to the beach with me at Easter. Here are a couple of photos!
Spot the Old Saybrook cap, that's from Marabeth of course! Thank you ladies!

And here's something else. I had won this T-shirt at a giveaway of the Greek magazine Etsi Apla.It is handpainted by Elia Creations. It is gorgeous!

Thank you Elia!I am wearing it all the time!


Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures!The beach looks fantastic, hope you had a good time!

Kaisievic said...

That book looks great - as you know I have just discovered sea glass. Love your t shirt and you look so pretty and relaxed at the beach.