Tuesday 26 July 2011

Another walk at the sea front.

I love walking at the Thessaloniki sea front and that is a favourite past time for many people here. It is relaxing,it is beautiful and it is free.Free entertainment. I even take my coffee with me while walking and there is no need to buy it on the way!Financial crisis?We are resistant!
A glorious sunny day!
 A little black spot in the horizon washed in the last sun rays.
 A ship of course. I would love to be under those sun rays.
 People walking up and down the sea front some facing the Music Hall just like us.
 A little stop at the Water Garden to enjoy sounds and views.
 Strange plants.
 Spot the frog!
 There he is!
 Lovely flowers.

 Koi fish.
 And a basket ball in the middle of the sea!
 But it is raining somewhere far away!I love rainfall curtains as I call them.
 A gorgeous sun setting in front of us!
My last walk of June at the Thessaloniki sea front.


Seamaiden said...

Ahhh...summer in Greece! Does it get any better?! So glad you're able to pop online now and then and catch up with us. :)

Pesky Cat Designs said...

You live in a beautiful place! Loved looking at all the photos. How lucky that you can just bring along your coffee and have such fantastic views. :)