Saturday 19 February 2011


I have a painter friend in Spain. His name is Pere and we met through livemocha a site where I was learning Spanish and he was helping me with my exercises.His latest painting shows exactly how the weather has been the last couple of days in my city. Although the skies were dark today I had the smile of the day with my friends at a morning coffee at my friend Stella's. She made some quince jello and they all laughed when I said I will take a picture of that and put it on my blog as the colour and transparency of the jello was impressive.
 On the way home I noticed the beautiful shapes and colours of a block of flats in my neighbourhood and the trees in front of it. My neighbourhood has lots of old blocks of flats and unfortunately due to the financial crisis and mostly old age of the residents they are not renovated.So it was a difference in my vision to see the light colours of this block.So I painted it.


Anonymous said...

Lovely painting and so like this, in a strange way.

Marabeth said...

Very nice! I would enjoy sitting on the balcony watching the hustle and bustle below.

Ariadne said...

@devonseaglass well the comparison is quite a compliment and I really like Miro!

Lisa said...

your painting is beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Seamaiden said...

Love your painting, Ariadne! So spontaneous and fresh. :)