Saturday 26 February 2011

An aquarium at home.

Or just the deception of it. My dear Marabeth again surprised me with this lovely sharong which I am not going to wear.I will prefer to hang it on my wall in the summer house. I just gave it a wash and put it on the line to dry and although the weather today was dark it gave my living room a lovely feeling as if I was in an aquarium.
 And here is a marker drawing I had done of a painting I had seen on the Internet some years ago. I was just reminded of it .


Petites xxx et Cie said...

Wow, amazing !

Unknown said...

Nice sarong,we call it a "paréo" :)

Marabeth said...

That really does look like you're looking through an aquarium with tropical fish. I just noticed some of the fish have their teeth showing.

Seamaiden said...

That is a lovely gift, Marabeth! It looks divine hanging on the wall - great idea, Ariadne. :) Your drawing is good, too!

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS ! wow ! what a sweet gift indeed !
and your drawing too ! what a sweet coincidence