Sunday, 8 September 2019

Let the people choose-September-Bees

Hi everyone!
I never managed to do the August issue of Let the people choose as I was not in town and also didn't have anything monochromatic to show.
But September's theme is bees and I should have something ready but I haven't.
Still I am showing it to you as its theme is bees.
It is the summer kit by Craftpod .
I loved it although I haven't stitched it yet as I seem to be out of stitching mood. It will come back eventually as long as we will be entering cold, rain and winter, I guess.
Anyway Craftpod is a kit that comes out every four months. It is a surprise so you don't know what there will be in it. It usually has two things to make.
Here's the bees themed kit. There was a hoop embroidery  and a recipe.
 Let the people choose is the brainchild of Jo of Serendipitous Stitching and you can visit her blog and see more blogs participating in it.See you soon in the next GG.


Ράνια said...

Είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα το φτιάξεις πολύ όμορφο και μ αρέσει και το θέμα !!!
Καλό αποκαλόκαιρο !!!

Katie said...

Cute kit of goodies.

Rachel said...

The little bee with flowers is cute. Hope you are able to stitch it up soon. :)

Mia said...

Αγαπημένες μελισσούλες. Φιλιά, Αριάδνη μου.

Pamela said...

Your craftpod kit looks great!

butterfly said...

How sweet I love bees .

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This kit really is the cutest! I love the colors and pretty designs. Enjoy your stitching! I hope it has cooled off some there...still hot here! Hugs!

beadgirl said...

Those craftpod kits are the best. If only shipping to the US weren't so expensive ...

Tiffstitch said...

That is a gorgeous little kit. I hope your mojo returns soon. I have never stitched a bee, seems weird, but here we are. :)

Astrids dragon said...

What a lovely box full of goodies! I hope you get your stitching mojo back soon, that will be a sweet one to stitch.

Sandy said...

Thought I'd pop in to say hi, as I make my blog rounds. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and it's always nice to meet new bloggers. Your little kit looks cute. It's nice to see Bees finally getting the attention they need and deserve. When you say see you soon in the next GG....what does that mean? Seems like your blog is the 2nd time I've seen it referred to this morning, so am curious.

<a href=">Sandy's Space</a>