Sunday 16 December 2018

December Gifted Gorgeousness

So this is the last Gifted Gorgeousness of the year and I am so happy for managing to do a complete 2018 GG. This was my first year and I must say it made me stitch more in order to have a proper blog post every month. Thank you Jo of Serendipitous Stitching for making this possible. You can find the linking party here and see all the posts from other stitchers too.
So from November 15th to December 15th I stitched the following!
First this little dragon pin cushion. The pattern is December 2015 Holiday Treat from J.L. Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams Inc. on facebook. You can find lots of free dragon patterns there. This travelled to a dragon loving stitching friend but has not been received yet so I can't say who it is.

 At another occasion I stitched three little beautiful trees to give to charity. We gathered at our friend Anna's of In my closet kitchen and made the trees for Dromoi Zois, a charity in Athens. I managed to make three. Their bazaar was this weekend 15th and 16th December in Athens.
We made really many here are some of them.
 I stitched this for an expecting friend too. I gave it during her baby shower therefore had to delay this GG post so that she doesn't see it!LOL! Pattern by CREATIVITa found on Pinterest.
 This sea glass felted stone and the cactus pin cushion in a pot I made for the secret crafter exchange Anna of In my Closet organized.
 The cactus pin cushion is based on this post by a crafty composition.
 I also started making felt ornaments for my tree but they are not ready yet. I was going to give some of these as gifts but never managed to finish them in time for the mail.
I also made some other felt tree ornaments with sequins using the materials I was sent at the secrecrafter exchange as well as things I had.
I am decorating my Christmas tree with these this year.
I received my secret crafter exchange parcel from Poppy of Poppysstuff. There were lovely things inside.
 I especially liked these vintage stitched pieces that belonged to a relative of the sender.
She sent me all that!
She knows how much I love blue and sea glass.
 Using the material she sent me I made some brooches for pet friendly people.
 And I also made this sea glass felted stone for a friend's new offices.
 I also received a parcel from Mia of Craftartista which I had won in her birthday giveaway.
 She sent me lots of stitchy things. I loved the stamped angel and all the DMC.

I also sent the January birthstone 
 and the All dolled up pattern to Diane of Lavender dreams who won it in my last giveaway.
I also sent Clare of Aimetu's Stitching what she won in my giveaway,too, in the previous GG.
I made and sent lots of 3d paper cards this Christmas too. Like this one.
 Here's the lot.
 And added some embellishments to some IKEA cards to send too.
And something else I received.
From dear Rania a stitched card and handmade bookmarks. Thank you so much Rania.
Finally I would like to show you some stitched pieces I saw at Art Thessaloniki this year. Unfortunately I didn't write down the artists' names.

So that was all.
Hope to see you in the next GG in the middle of January in the New Year. Enjoy the holidays and have a merry Christmas!


Elfie said...

You have had such a busy month! Beautiful stitching and crafting, as usual. I loved all the pics of your gifts received and given. Merry Christmas!

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Πολύ όμορφα όλα όσα έλαβες και όσα έφτιαξες !!!! Θαυμάζω πάντα και τις διακοσμημένες πέτρες σου που είναι υπέροχες !!!! Πολύ ωραία επίσης και τα κεντημένα της Τέχνης Θεσσαλονίκης... είχαν κάποιο συγκεκριμένο θέμα να κεντήσουν ή ότι νόμιζε ο καθένας ??? Χαρούμενες γιορτές και πολλά φιλιά !!

Barb said...

You have had a great year of crafting!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month, and every month this year! A great achievement which encourages me to continue next year.
Love all the gifted things in this post, especially the cute dragon ornie and the Christmas Trees.
It's a lovely idea to embellish the shop-bought cards too.

Ρένα Χριστοδούλου said...

Τί πολλά που έκανες μέσα σε ένα μήνα Αριάδνη μου.
Γεια στα χέρια σου.
Με γειά να χαρείς τα δώρα σου.
Να είσαι καλά και φιλάκια πολλά

Katie said...

What a great post full of goodies. Love the paw prints you made. Too cute! I had to print that dragon. Too cute.

Christine said...

So many beautiful things in this post. I love the felted stones

Babs said...

What a nice post with lots of lovely things

FlashinScissors said...

My goodness! What a lovely post! What gorgeous gifts you received! I love those sea stones and especially the felted gift for your friend.
I shall have to return to read all your links ..... such fun!
I do love that dragon, I’ll have to come back to look for the pattern!
Barbara xx

Mia said...

Πόσες ομορφιές, Αριάδνη μου! Τα λάτρεψα όλα! Υπέροχος ο κεντημένος δράκος και τα χειροποίητα δεντράκια, ενώ η τεχνική σου με τα θαλάσσια γυαλάκια με ξετρελαίνει! Τα διακοσμημένα με παγέτες χριστουγεννιάτικα δεντράκια σου είναι μοναδικά και οι κάρτες σου ευφάνταστες! Πανέμορφα και όλα τα δώρα που έλαβες από τους διαδικτυακούς σου φίλους. Και η έκθεση στη Θεσσαλονίκη φαίνεται πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα. Όμορφες οι φωτογραφίες σου και χαρίζουν έμπνευση. Πολλά φιλιά, φίλη μου, και ΚΑΛΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ!!!!!!!

Astrids dragon said...

Oh wow, you have been busy, everything looks wonderful!
And what lovely gifts you've received, more to keep you busy!

rosey175 said...

o wow, this is a lot of gifted gorgeousness! You must've had a lot of fun this year. The little trees for the bazaar are super cute as are the little round ornaments! I really like the bird on the branch one. What do you do with the sea glass? Do you keep it in a jar?

Sheryl said...

Goodness, what a lovely post, lots to admire here, I love your very clever 3d cards, the gorgeous felted stone and the tree ornaments. all bright and festive. Happy Christmas.

AppleApricot Wen said...

Beautiful stitching projects and work, and I'm so happy to see your gorgeous felted stones again! Merry Christmas and big hugs xx

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Such a lot of beautiful items in this post, both made and received. You have been busy.

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Wow lots of goodies Have a very Happy New Year hugs

Mia said...

ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ, Αριάδνη μου!!!!!!!!!!!!