Oooops! Hello friends! How are you? We are ready into fall!
It's been a while I know. I wasn't really in the mood for blogging all summer. That's because on the one hand I haven't got the best of Internet access at the beach house to blog and on the other I chose to do other things instead of being on the computer.
Anyway here is a loooong post full of photos of what I did this summer.
Summer holidays started just after schools closed and we spent four days on Skiathos island in June.
I will blog about this trip later on although I know I should have done it earlier to trigger you to visit the island as well. We had a great time!And it was so nice meeting our friend Frieda again!
Then we went to the beach house and spent a week cleaning and redecorating.
I loved the clean look of my mantelpiece.
I also loved all the paintings my friends Marabeth, Eleanna and Ian painted for me!They adorn the newly painted guest room.
We also solved some plumbing problems from last year as we were expecting our American sea glass friends Janet and Bruce to visit.
You can read all about their visit here. We had a great time!And then a slow paced summer began. As last summer was dreadful with all the plumbing and sewage problems and my gall bladder operation I really needed to relax and do the things I liked this summer.
So I rested a lot and slept well.
I swam a lot no matter what the weather was like!
I even swam during a rainfall nearby! That was quite a challenge for me!
But most of the time the sea was calm and beautiful!
I went sea glassing a lot.
I found lots of beautiful pieces some rare ones like this yellow one.
I got tricked by this piece that looked black ...but was green!
That's a light bulb insulator.
And that's a double piece porcelain.That's an old Greek coin.
But my favourite pieces are these two. This one that looks like a tiny piece from an ancient glass vessel.
And that Vicks jar lip.
During summer we spent time with family and friends. We ate together.
And we went to the nearby fountain show again.
We also spent a day at Moustheni village where I have relatives. It was so nice meeting them again!
During summer Barca was our best companion everywhere. As she hates being alone at the beach house we take her with us wherever we go.

But I am sorry to say there are some neighbours who don't like dogs and we have to keep her inside when they are around!
This summer the sunsets again were wonderful!
And our pomegranate tree is full of fruit.
I caught a couple of fish with my own hands.
And a couple of crabs but all of them were left back to sea!
I loved birdwatching!
I spotted jellyfish and sea urchins.
A starfish.
Tiny insects.
Spiders (which are not my favourite)
Isn't our neighbour's cat the most beautiful?
There were lizards of course, and what a pity that I didn't manage to take a pic of the green one too this year!A slug.
A little frog.
And many beautiful butterflies!
I met a neighbour who went fishing every day and one day he fished this huge pina (which later I learnt he shouldn't have taken out as it is a protected species)
I read lots of books this summer and completed the #readathon16 of So little sleeping and so much reading challenge but decided to continue nontheless.
One of my favourites.
Handicraftwise I didn't manage to make much this summer. Although I also wanted to take part in the Summer Challenge organised by Anna of In my Closet I couldn't make myself do it.I didn't do much cross stitch either
but I did manage to make some sea glass felted stones! give as gifts!
I also made the house number plate with beeach finds.
And finally I managed to make the Hamsa hand my friend Ruth had sent me from Israel as a wedding gift.
This summer I even fancied trying this!
And this!
Or make this!
But I didn't!LOL!
This summer we enjoyed watching the Olympics.
We also went to the theatre and saw Aristophanes' Ploutos which was very good.
We went to Saint Mamas open air market.
And to Marmaras to eat some lovely homemade pizza and ice cream at Flavours' House.
During summer we came back to the city for very specific reasons One of them was to wish happy birthday to dear Angela of Poco Loco at a surprise party at Koumbi coffee and crafts cafe. The birthday cake was lemon pie and it was divine!
We also came back to the city to say goodbye to our Syrian friends who left for Athens and from there they will be relocated to Romania. It was a sad farewell but we wish them all the best and hope they find a better life there and make a new start! We miss them already!
I miss summer already,too!
I miss the daydreaming....
I miss the light....
I miss the sounds...
I miss the carefree times....
Να σταθώ σε αυτό το άτιμο το γαλάζιο που σου παίρνει τα μυαλά και τα σκορπα στους 5 ανέμους!!!!!!
Such a wonderful post, my dear friend, Ariadne. I felt like I was there spending the summer with you - and what a fun time we had! xxx
Πολυ ωραια ανάρτηση!!! Έρχομαι απο τον καφε φιλια
Υπέροχη αναρτηση! Οι φωτογραφιες μαγευτικες! τοσο απο τα ηλιοβασιλεματα οσο και απο τη θαλασσα! Με ταξίδεψες :)
Οσο για τους φίλους...δεν ειναι φοβερο ποσο ευκολα μπορει να δημιουργηθει μια ομορφη σχεση ακομα και σε αντιξοες συνθηκες;;; απλα υπεροχο!
Wow what a beautiful post of your summer holidays , I felt I was there on holiday with you.
I hope you are fully rested and ready to enjoy the Autumn.
Thanks for sharing some lovely photos.
I loved your photos. Especially those with the sea glasses and the sea! Glad you had fun away from the net!
Υπέροχο post Αριάδνη!!!Υπέροχες φωτογραφίες και πόσους θησαυρούς βρήκες στην παραλία!!!Ζήλεψα (καλοπροαίρετα) το κέντημα σου,εγώ δεν το έχω με το όλο θέμα!Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο!!!
A wonderful break!
Your little butterfly & turtle stones, are absolute gems!!
Wow. what a great summer you had. so glad you enjoyed yourself and all your friends. Love the sea photo's and all your sea glass. love all the little insects and frog. I don't know how you can read so many books but that's great that you do. That pie looked so delicious. Glad you had a great time this summer. big hugs Lynda Ruth
Ναι το καλοκαίρι πάντα μας λείπει Αριάδνη μου !! Σε αυτό το απέραντο γαλάζιο που βρέθηκα στην Ποτίδαια αφήνεσαι πραγματικά !!! Εκανες ότι σου αρέσει και τώρα επιστρέφεις πάλι στην δουλειά !! Καλή αρχή και καλή συνέχεια !!! Στέκομαι ιδιαίτερα στους Σύριους φίλους σας και εύχομαι εκεί που θα πάνε να συναντήσουν σπουδαίους ανθρώπους !!
Τα φιλιά μου σε όλους !!
Πολύ όμορφο το Καλοκαίρι σου και είχε απ όλα !!! Οι φωτογραφίες σου μας ταξίδεψαν κι εμάς σε όλες αυτές τις ομορφιές που έζησες !!! Οι θησαυροί της θάλασσας που βρήκες καταπληκτικοί και έγιναν έργα τέχνης οι πέτρες σου !!! Διάβασμα και κέντημα, πολύ ωραίες ασχολίες !!! Εύχομαι πάντα να περνάς υπέροχα και με ανθρώπους που αγαπάς (και την Μπάρκα εννοείται). Τα φιλιά μου !!!!
Oh Wow you have captured in photos a glorious summer-I felt like I was almost there with you.
that must be allot of fun looking for the sea glass and you found some really pretty pieces again. do you go back to the beach house during the year or only in the summer?
Hope you have a good school year ahead
It must have been a wonderful summer for you, filled with all the things you love - visits from friends, being at the seaside, searching for sea glass, reading lots of books, stitching and more. Great memories, aren't they?
Πανέμορφες εικόνες! Γεματο καλοκαιρι! Και του χρόνου να ξαναπεράσετε όμορφα!
Έρχομαι από τον καφέ!
Αριάδνη μου χαίρομαι πάρα πολύ που περάσατε ένα όμορφο καλοκαίρι! Απόλαυσα όλες τις ωραίες φωτογραφίες σου! Εύχομαι να περνάτε πάντα έτσι όμορφα με αγαπημένους φίλους! Φιλάκια πολλά και καλό φθινόπωρο!
It seems you had a busy, but rather happy summer! I love the decoration in your guest bedroom.
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