Monday 29 December 2014

That's how life is...

I don't feel much like blogging right now as there is the on going drama of the ship that is burning and being evacuated amidst a horrific storm in the channel between Italy and Greece.
Half of the people on it are Greek and the other half are of various other nationalities. Rumour has it that some are illegal immigrants trying to escape to the West! It does not matter who they are on it. What matters is that they are saved,  all of them. There is already one casualty, a Greek man from Switzerland. We hope he will be the last and all that will end successfully. We have been watching our TV for hours.You can read about it here.
In the meantime other important things are happening here. We are heading fast for elections as a president has not been elected in today's Parliamentary voting.
And of course New Year's Eve is coming fast and we have to get prepared.
Right at this very "significant" point in time our dishwasher broke down so right now the handyman is here to fix it hopefully!
Other things show evidence of serious trouble, hubby's laptop, the washing machine, my camera! Oh come on!
To make things lighter I will show you photos plants....
I have very few plants at home, in my little balcony. Just mainly succulents.
 Hopefully I will have better mood to blog tomorrow. Have a nice day!


Decor Asylum said...

Υπέροχη η συλλογή των παχύφυτών σου Αριάδνη! Δεν μπορεί φωτογραφίζοντας τέτοιες ομορφιές να μην ένοιωσες έστω και λίγο καλύτερα!!
Χρόνια Πολλά & Καλή Χρονιά!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Life is so mixed with happiness and sadness. We've been following this on the news too and I thought of you living close by. I'm praying for all these scared people. Sweet hugs my friend, Diane

zina said...

καθε δυσκολια για καλο...νομιζω...

Καλη Πρωτοχρονια να εχουμε και παντα με χαμογελα!

butterfly said...

Yes I watched those poor people on the news last night.
I hope things get better for you soon.
Happp New Year wishes for you and your loved ones.

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Άσε που έχει πέσει η ψυχολογία μας ....
Λατρεύω κι εγώ τα παχύφυτα !!
Σου εύχομαι με το καλό η νέα χρονιά !!! Σε φιλώ !!!

Marie-Anne said...

Δυστυχώς, τα θύματα είναι περισσότερα όπως και πολλοί οι αγνοούμενοι, απ'ότι φάνηκε σήμερα! Φοβερή τραγωδία!!!
Τα παχύφυτά σου είναι πολύ όμορφα!!!
Καλό ξημέρωμα!!!

Drastiria said...

Όμορφα!!! Καλή Πρωτοχρονιά!!!

Unknown said...

We have been following the tragedy ,too, as this ferry was based at St Nazaire before heading to Greece shores. It used to do a trip between St Nazaire and Gijon in Spain. St Nazaire is where Jean-Yves is studying, about 40 kms from us.
As for your equipments,it's just coincidence, and all will be repaired soon I hope!
Stay positive, and Happy New Year!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I just heard an other boat had been hijacked . I feel so sorry and sad for people on board. Thinking of you.

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Thank you for your wishes!
May every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family.
Happy New Year!