Saturday 20 September 2014

When time isn't enough....

then you just have to leave out certain things from your daily life. So I left out blogging and cross stitch in order to manage everything else.
I am still paying for being away all summer!  Hopefully things will get back to normal.
For the time being I am hoping to blog once a week at least.
So my news so far.
Schools started and things are going ok. This year the good news is that all teachers and books are in their place so we started teaching from the very first day.This year I am teaching English to 2nd, 4th and 6th graders. So far so good.
My son enrolled in his Universiity and will soon start lessons.
We played our children's play last Friday at Drymos.It was fun!
Barca is doing better after taking medicine for her dermatological problem.
Hubby and I have been decluttering and cleaning the flat as we are going to have visitors for a week, my cousin and her daughter. So we will be busy.
Unfortunately not everything is good in this world.
Alexander,a former student, the age of my son, died of a bad illness. His parents, such brave people, donated his beautiful eyes to live in two other young people. The funeral was a lesson of courage.
There was another funeral last week of a dear friend of my mother's.
And the weather keeps raining and raining and raining. Still there is beauty around......I spotted this beautiful red dragonfly in the school playground!
 See you soon I hope!


Decor Asylum said...

Καλή σχολική χρονιά Αριάδνη. Η πρώτη φωτογραφία είναι υπέροχη. Περαστικά και στην Barca. Καλή δύναμη και σε αυτούς που χάσανε τους αγαπημένους τους. Καλό βράδυ!

zina said...

Καλά να περνάς παντα Αριαδνη και με το καλο να μαθαίνουμε νέα σου!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I understand how busy life can be... I've done less blog reading lately because school has begu again here as well. I hope Barca feels better.

Unknown said...

Yes, Ariadne, sometimes there are not enough hours in a day, but we have to do what we can and leave the rest for another day! Sorry about all your mishaps hope all gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely dragonfly! Hope things get back to normal soon for you :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Beautiful pictures. Good luck with school, and thanks for sharing! :D

eleanna said...

Ariadne, everything will find it's way soon. Sometimes it's good to be off schedule even if you need more time to get back on! Life is too short & we have to live it ;)