Tuesday 9 April 2013

Antique market purchases!

Remember I went to the antique open market last Sunday?
Remember I had bought this hand crocheted scarf?Or is it a table runner?
Here is how I was wearing it today at school!
I added my friend Gia's pin on it!Does it look like a table runner?
Remember my favourite table at the market?
I adored everything on it, the lamp, the blue cloisone vase, the red laquer vase, the blue and white porcelain plate in the middle, the red cut glass vase and of course that tiny cameo vase.
Then I didn't know it is called cameo vase. I called it a Galle vase!
The vase looked strange.Half purple half yellow. It reminded me of Galle type vases I had seen in Romania during a trip there last year where I hadn't bought any as they were expensive even though they were Galle type and not the real thing. You can read all about Galle vases here.
Anyway I didn't buy the little vase at once.
  I went home, googled a bit and then went back in the afternoon of that day after the rain to buy it after all.
 The market had closed. The last person leaving was the seller of that specific table and I asked for the little vase.
He joked with me. He remembered me as I had made a comment to my brother that the vase was fake and had lost its colour as half of it is purple and the other half is yellow.
Bytheway Galle made his vases in that colour combination to immitate day light and night light!I didn't know that then. Google can help you a lot to find all kinds of info.
Up to now I haven't found a similar vase either in size, shape or flowers.By that I don't imply that mine is a rare specimen.
Surely it does not hide a story like the amazing Chinese bowl in the States but you never know!
Hopefully Barca won't break it during the shooting!


Sahildeki Ev said...

Oh! you found such a sweet little treasure...Enjoy...

Unknown said...

Lovely Vase! Maybe you can be lucky!!!

barbara@sparrowavenue said...

that is one precious find!

have a great weekend