Sunday 1 July 2012

A walk at the antique/second hand market.

You might remember that a month ago the First antique and second hand sales market took place in a park near our flat. So we were lucky we were in town again and off we went to see what was there on offer. I took lots of photos of things I liked and in the end you will see the few lovely things I bought.
Careful there are too many photos here. Enjoy the walk!
There were lots of framed needlepont pictures. Years ago every one used to stitch these. Now no one does! And they throw them out!If hubby had allowed I would have a couple that I had found on the sidewalk!Ahhhh!Sigh!
I assure you that black and white one would look fantastic in a modern house with another frame!

 I loved those glass lamps!
 I am not sure if these little glass phials are old but they looked so sweet all together.
 These glasses looked gorgeous!

 I used to have  a doll like that with a different outfit!
 15 euros for that pink napkin holder. It wasn't much but I am not able to spend now!

 I loved this vanity set from Belgium! 60 euros.
 Isn't this a lovely framed cross stitch?

 More pink glass.
 And more embroidery.
 More framed embroidery.

 There were whole piles of embroidery from 2 to 200 euros!
 And bottles! When I looked at the bottom of the sea foam one in the second line the seller said that I know of old bottles!
 Hubby found some lovely shadow puppet theatre performances on records here!
 Aren't these amazing? They were very expensive!
 Lots of toys!
I think this one is fantastic!
 And that Galle lamp is 350 euros!
 These are the records hubby bought.
 And this is what I bought.
A beautiful water jug that I would probably use as a vase.
A sweet porcelain border collie made in Japan.
Two old books Captain Michael by Kazantzakis (this we had performed with the Teacher's Drama Club) and Singing Wheels, a 1951 American reader which I adored! In it I found a typewritten letter dated 1954 with a Thessaloniki  International Trade Fair stamp stuck on it!A bonus!
 The blue dish with the shell does not look very old to me but I think it suits my summer house!
And all that for 10 euros!Well I could afford that much!

 Add one more book to my summer reading list!

Tonight we will be watching the Euro final. Spain and Italy are my two favourite teams so I really don't know whom to support but I really like Casillas, the Spanish goalkeeper!!!!
I will be away from the computer and Internet again for some time!
Till next week have a  great time pals!


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

I loved this tour of your local market and saw many beautiful things! I think that your blue glass shell dish is stunning! Thank you so much for sharing with me Ariadne! It may be the closest I ever get to your beautiful country!
Take care my friend,
Laura :)

Lynn said...

What a marvelous antique market! I loved all the coloured bottles and pink glass. I don't see those coloured bottles around here. Amazing needlework too! What a shame that someone has given away those lovely works of art.

Dani - tkdchick said...

I've taken some of my favourite shots in antique/junk shops there are just so many interesting things to photograph.

Heather said...

Oh my goodness! So many fabulous things that I would have wanted to bring home. You were very restrained. I do love the blue dish.

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

Oh no I want to cry - all that needlework - it all needs to come home to me - the amount of work that has gone into those tablecloths and pictures - to be treated so carelessly - so sad