Friday 22 June 2012

School printing/engraving exhibition

One of the great aspects of this school year was that the Art teacher Alexander Dimitriades is a painter but has also majored in printing/engraving.
Hubby and I had visited his exhibition back in March.
Alexander did a great job with the children and in the end of the school year they presented their works of art all over the school like the picture below.
 I loved lots of the pictures like this zebra by one of my 6th graders Alex..
 This was my favourite and I admit I asked for it and my 4th grader Maxi gave it to me.
 This train was made by a fifth grader.
 This was in black by another of my fourth graders.
 I really loved this one too.
Alexander made this video of his students' work. I hope it will upload.

But what impressed me more in the end was that Alxander was very generous to give me a goodbye gift, his three watercolours of glass vases that were decorating his art classroom and which he had made some years ago. I had loved them the moment I laid eyes on them and he was so nice to give them to me. These will be beautifully framed in September and find their special room on my walls. Thank you Alexander!

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