Thursday 13 January 2011

Hagia Sophia Church calendar

Today it was much better. It wasn't raining and the flowers in the very unique pots and pans of my school looked much better.

Also a  letter arrived from my dear friend Cathy in England. She made a lovely handmade paper Xmas card for me which I am sharing here. So simple but so beautiful. I am sure I will be making something similar with my students next year with all the Xmas cards I was sent from friends around the world to recycle.

Cathy loves to quilt and she makes very intricate sewing and quilting projects. I really like that especially because I cannot sew or quilt. Some time ago I watched a lovely film about quilting named  How to make an American Quilt which was great.I even liked the stamps on Cathy's letter.One was of a Harry Potter book and the other was a very beautiful golden sticker of the Queen.
Later in the day my mum brought me a calendar from the Constantinople Union of Northern Greece where she belongs. My family and I are Greeks born in Constantinople (Istanbul) Turkey and came to Greece in 1969.My family had a great life in Constantinople before we were asked to leave Turkey as so many other Greeks. We live in beautiful Thessaloniki ever since.Anyway I just wanted to show you the calendar which depicts the fantastic mosaic of Mother of God holding baby Jesus in her lap which is in Hagia/Aghia Sophia Church in Constantinople. It was a mosaic revealed in 1934 by Thomas Whittemore.The calendar is made of weaved cloth and it is of excellent quality.It is like a real mosaic.


Seamaiden said...


Marabeth said...

Such a beautiful calendar of the mosaic! Such fun to receive packages from far away places.

Anonymous said...

I love Istanbul,all those Mosques are beautiful.

Ariadne said...

Receiving parcels and letters is the best time of the day!