Sunday 1 January 2012

Hello 2012!

Happy New Year everyone!
The year started beautifully!
We had dinner at my brother's just me and hubby as my son was at his dad's and my mum wasn't feeling very well!
We had lovely meat dishes and salads....
the little hill you see in this photo is Cerkez Tavuk,my mum made.It is chicken with walnuts and garlic and red pepper. The golden rimmed bowl has my potato salad (with mayo, spring onion and dill) and the meat is stuffed pork.
 Stuffed chicken roll, cabbage and carrot shredded salad, tortellini, and octopus salad....

 And my beautiful niece Vicky!
We had lots of sweets, fruit,nuts and cut the New Year's pie (vasilopita).
Guess who was the lucky one who found the coin in his piece? Well it was between mine and hubby's piece so we two are the lucky ones of the year!We are so happy!
My brother had a gift for the lucky one who would get the coin in his piece.
The lucky coin and the gift, this pair of acorns very suitable indeed. I loved it.
We watched fireworks....
And we watched a greek music programme that amused us.
We also exchanged small gifts (we agreed on not exchanging expensive things due to the financial situation here) and here is what I got...
 a lovely glass Christmas tree. My brother really knows that I love his collection and he has added to mine this one with all its fantastic balls.

 I also got this handmade ship for myself to carry my dreams for 2012....(from the Ethnological Museum bazaar)
 And mum brought us flowers to start the year well!
We slept late at night and in the morning after making phone calls to wish relatives and friends a happy new year hubby and I went out for a walk!
It was very cold but the sun was shining!
Of course I took a pic at my usual spot at the Municipality Hall along with a lovely dog that followed us and I was again in the verge of adopting it. We tried to find its owners but in vain.

 We had a tsipouro snack at Ellinikon to celebrate hubby's pension!Fava, kolokithokeftedes(zucchini balls) and mussels in sauce.
 We then walked at the sea front and it was lovely!

 And that's this year's Christmas tree that the Municipality decorated the sea front with.
Not very impressive when not lit.
I hope you all had a lovely first day of the new year!


Ruth Ludlam said...

Wow, that dog looks just like Fluffy, my family's dog when I was growing up! Happy New Year! Ruth from Israel

Lisa said...

Happy New Year to you!! Looks like you had a great time. We had fun too celebrating at home with family. I am happy you got the coin, I remember last year you had many opportunities and didnt get the piece with the coin in it.

Seamaiden said...

What a great start to 2012!!! Thank you for the fun and photos. :)