Sunday 31 January 2016


This week's prompt for Our Beautiful World is Bird, a word chosen by Kirsty  of  Handmade Little Things.
To tell you the truth I hadn't recently taken any photos of birds and we hadn't been some place to see birds. So what did I do?
I simply took some photos of the birds that come down into our school playground just after the children's break to eat their leftovers.
It's amazing how many types of birds come every day.Usually they are pigeons, doves,seagulls and sparrows.

Then I took some photos of some birds I saw one morning during my sea front walk with Barca!

 And then I just looked around me in my flat and realised how many beautiful birds I have!
This swan painting by my sea glass friend Ian in England,
and this swan cross stitch I had made as a kid. (sorry it's blurred)
And all those Geninne Zlatkis birds in my bedroom!

And another stitched piece!
And the ducks for February for the Joyful World of the Snowflower Diaries SAL that I am taking part in!
And more birds around!

 I love birds!
Ever since I was a kid and a neighbour painted birds for me with just one line with her pencil! I just wish I had some of those now! It looked a bit like this but the bird was looking straight ahead. (found here)

Link your blog with a a blogpost about birds or anything that has to do with them in Our Beautiful World.


oldthings said...

Αριάδνη μου καλή σου μέρα ! Τελικά ανακάλυψες πόσα πουλιά είχες στη ζωή σου ,εκτός από αυτά που πετούν γύρω μας και δεν τα δίνουμε σημασία .Τα κάδρα είναι πανέμορφα ,μου αρέσανε και τα κεραμικά σου . Η παραλία πάντως έχει αρκετά από αυτά !!!

Ros Crawford said...

Oh what wonderful photos!! You have some beautiful art there too ... It's amazing when we look around just what we can see isn't it! Have a wonderful day Ariadne!

mandysea said...

What a wonderful collection of birds you have! What is the black and white one? I love birds too! Gorgeous photos!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, this post made me smile-I love birds too-and you captured some beautiful photos. I really love all you artwork too especially the swan painting

Anonymous said...

What great pictures. It's amazing how many birds visit....we just have to pay attention :) Lovely artwork you have too.

Ο κόσμος της Ράνιας said...

Τελικά, πόσα πουλιά κατέγραψες !!!! Και είναι όλα πανέμορφα !!!! Πολύ όμορφες φωτογραφίες και πολύ ωραία τα κάδρα σου !!!
Καλή εβδομάδα !!!!

Justine said...

I love the bird pictures you have in your bedroom, how could you forget them?! What a beautiful post.

Contagiously Crafty said...

I simply love the painting by Ian - so elegant and understated. Beautiful. So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

You sure have a lot of lovely shots and wall hanging of birds at home, awesome!

Jennifer said...

I love to see all of you birds. I especially like the dark colored seagull you photographed. We do not have this kind near where I live. I am always interested in seabirds from all over the world.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

A wonderful collection of bird pictures. The embroideries are beautiful.

Χριστίνα Πεταλωτή said...

Έτσι τα πουλιά να τα καμαρώνουμε στα κάδρα και στη φύση, ποτέ σε κλουβιά. Δεν πρέπει να αγοράζουμε πουλιά.