Monday 20 August 2018

August Gifted Gorgeousness 2018

Hello there! In Greece we say "...from August comes winter..." and I am back in the city.
It was a difficult and tiring summer but I managed some swimming too.
Anyway this is a GG post again. But first I would like to thank everyone who read my previous GG post and left a comment too. Sorry I haven't answered, I yet have to find out how to do it.
So what's GG?Jo of Serendipitous Stitching organizes a link-up party where we blog about what we have stitched in the month that is related to the word "gift". Something we were gifted or we will gift that is.
You can see more about this in Jo's blog.
This month (from July 16th to August 15th) I was at the beach house. As I had to fully take care of my mum myself I didn't have too much free time to stitch as I used most of my free time to go to the sea! Indeed how can one resist such a sea! That is near Potidea in Chalkidiki and as we say in Northern Greece "San ti Chalkidiki den ehi" which means " There is no other place like Chalkidiki".

 So the few things I managed. Just two.
I finished all the Halloween Happiness except for the glow-in-dark white. This pattern was a giveaway win from Jo's blog and the fabric was a giveaway win from Brigitte's ( no blog anymore).
 I tried to stitch as much as I could but I also wanted to read a bit! What a dilemma!
 Finally it looked like that! I have changed some colours as I tried to use thread from my stash!
 And the second piece I managed  to start and continue is Karaghiozis, the Greek Shadow Puppet theatre protagonist. I am stitching this for a collaborative work where lots of stitchers from Greece will work on to produce a huge piece that commemorates the Greek civilization.

Finally I want to show you a corner in my beach house.
There are three framed stitched pieces there. The first which I call "Underwater" was a Round Robin I took part in ages ago, pre computer time, and after I got it back (each stitcher had stitched one fish) I added the background and the details all made free with no pattern. This is dedicated to my dear dad who loved the sea and fish so much.
The second framed piece is half cross stitch on a printed fabric, it is a lighthouse in the U.S.A. my friend Marabeth gifted the print to me and I stitched it. Finally the frame with the three lighthouses are made by me a long time ago when I bought the beach house. I matced them with the lighthouse candles on hubby's bedside table.
That was all for GG this month! Thanks for following. Hope you enjoyed your summer!


Mii Stitch said...

Hi Ariadne, beautiful pictures of the sea and great little crosses too. Congrats on the Halloween finish.

Barb said...

Nice pieces. Living near Lake MI I love anything to do with water and Lighthouses are my favorite. We use to go down to the Lake and watch the Big boats come in and the Light house was there. Sometimes we'd walk the pier to the lighthouse.

Linda said...

Loving stitching Ariadne. I love your framed pieces.


DJ said...

Congratulations on winning the Halloween pattern! I love the changes in the thread that you will make a lovely decoration for Halloween this year!! Your little man is quite cute! I enjoy working on those collaborative projects! I also love your lighthouses, I actually collect them, and have stitched quite a few!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your stitching is so beautiful! I love seeing your home with the framed pieces...they take a LONG time to do! I just started a small project to see if I can do it. Nice to catch up with you! Sweet hugs, Diane

rosey175 said...

Wow that is a gorgeous sea! Was the beach empty too or not so lucky as that? Your Halloween piece looks great. The collaboration for the Greek civilization sounds like an awesome project.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Halloween finish, the colours look wonderful and it's great to use up what's in your stash!
Love your framed pieces too. Your Greek stitching project sounds such fun and wonderful to work with other stitchers.

FlashinScissors said...

Hi Ariadne,
Lovely photographs of the sea!
Your Halloween stitching is gorgeous, and I just love the little man too!
Your beach house corner is very pretty ..... especially all the lighthouses.
Barbara x

Brigitte said...

Such lovely stitched pieces, the ones in the beach house such as the ones you are working on right now. The Halloween piece is nearly finished, isn't it?
I'm so often torn between reading and stitching because I always want to do both at the same time, lol. During the summer months I usually read more because it's too hot fo stitching.
Somewhere on her blog Jo has written how you can answer to comments again after Blogger seems to have changed something.

Mini said...

Wow , how can you stitch with those views. Good progress on the Halloween piece and I love the idea of greek stitching.

Wow , the light house projects in your beach house are just gorgeous.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month and now you have the thread to finish this great design in time for next month's post.
I love the corner of your beach-house, a little home from home with the stitched pieces.

Kaisievic said...

Lovely stitching on Halloween Happiness, Ariadne and I love your Lighthouse corner - so perfect for a beach house. And that sea! Oh bliss! Love to you and your mum. hugs, Kaye

Sheryl said...

Who could resist in taking a swim in such a wonderful blue inviting sea. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy your beach house. A gorgeous Happy Halloween piece.