Tuesday 18 February 2014

Suddenly...in the hospital.

On Saturday night all of a sudden my son had great pain and more symptoms that made us take him to hospital at once. He is fine now. He had a little "stone" in his kidney which fell after three days. Spending three days and nights in the hospital with my only child in pain and two people dying on the ward from various reasons was a shocking experience. Thank God for us everything went well.
 My thoughts are with the people who lost their loved ones there. And I am thankful to all the doctors and nurses of the 1st Internal Ward of the AHEPA hospital who inspite the salary and staff reductions they still work hard for all their patients. Special thanks goes to the doctor at the emergency room who realised that Miltos' case was serious and kept testing him and finally taking him up to the Internal Ward.
As always I tried to find beauty around me.
Lovely stained glass windows in the hospital chapel.

 (For all my American followers)

 Works of art inside the hospital.

And finally a funny side. The room we were in was the one where prisoners who need to be hospitalized are put! Of course we didn't have to stay behind bars!That was one more experience though!


Decor Asylum said...

Περαστικά του Αριάδνη! Περάσαμε παρόμοιες καταστάσεις με το έτερον ήμισυ 2 χρόνια πριν και σε καταλαβαίνω απόλυτα. Πάντως τέλος καλό, όλα καλά! Την καλησπέρα μου

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your son but hope he is recovering now.
Beautiful windows!

Kay said...

What a shock! I am glad to hear that your son is home and recovering. Blessings to you all. xx

Emma/Itzy said...

Oh no! But glad to hear he is ok now :) x

Anonymous said...

Hope your son has a speedy recovery.

prpltrtl946 said...

I am so glad that your son is well! I admire your spirit to find the beauty in such a situation!! I can't even THINK when my children are very ill!!

Those chapel windows and art pieces are wonderful! But your Jail photo is what made me laugh! You are spectacular Ariadne!! <3 8*)

barbara@sparrowavenue said...

It's awful being in hospital with your kid. I've been there so many times with mine!
I hope he's feeling better. Passing stones is so painful.

Mii Stitch said...

So glad your son is recovering. Sending you hugs xx

devonseaglass said...

Glad for your imprisonment! And happy for the outcome, of course.

Anonymous said...

oh, i can totally understand miltos. i had a same situation last year. the pain is unbelievable... good everything went well!

Dream on the wave said...

That must have been frightening! I am glad he is ok. περαστικά!

butterfly said...

So sorry your son was taken ill hope he is fine now ,
what a worry for you both .

Valma said...

ho my ! how painful it is....
I remember Mum on the floor screaming with pain =(
fortunately he feels better now
take care of him and give him a big warm hug from a French friend =)
I hope he will be 100% OK very soon
you took great pictures while being there, those stained glass are really beautiful
and this last one...it's good to laugh even in difficult moments

Sarah in Stitches said...

Oh wow, I'm so sorry that happened! Very glad to hear he's okay now.

Unknown said...

Glad to know that Miltos is fine! Though so sorry you had to go through all this!I appreciate your gratefulness to the hospital staff who are going through such tough times, as well as all the other Greek civil servants.
Take Care,xxx

Elisa said...

Sorry to hear of your son's illness. I'm happy to hear that he is getting better! My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

eleanna said...

Fortunately, everything turned up well! I wish you all recover soon from this experience..

sehnaz tahir said...

So sorry to hear about the kidney stone:( I am glad that Miltos is better now. And I am also glad that you were there and could take immediate action.
Stay well
Lots of love from the three of us

dimitrART said...

So sad to hear about your son Ariadne!And so glad he's getting better now...Take care...

Akamatra said...

Περαστικά βρε παιδί μου! Τι εμπειρία και αυτή! Μου αρέσει όμως που εισαι αισιοδοξος ανθρωπος!!!!Μπραβο!

zina said...

Αριαδνη τις καλυτερες ευχες μου για γρηγορη αναρρωση! οτι καλυτερο ευχομαι :)

Unknown said...

Kidney stones are awful, I'm so sorry for your son. Glad to hear it has passed.

Lisa at lil fish studios said...

What a scare that must have been. I'm so glad he's feeling better now. Hugs to you all.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I'm so sorry to read that. I'm sending well wishes to your son and good happy vibes to you!